

Detect, Analyze, Communicate, Respond

Motorola Solutions has created the first and only end-to-end enterprise technology ecosystem that unifies voice, video, data and analytics on a single platform — providing you with the foundation of safety you need by addressing the unique challenges of your airport, hospital, school, and stadium. They have also reimagined how the technologies used to help keep them safe, can do even more — drive efficiencies, improve productivity and generate better outcomes. Because safety, efficiency and productivity are deeply interconnected. With the right technologies, you can be faster, smarter, more focused and more resilient — better at everything you do.

Safety Reimagined Video Overview

CARES Act Airport Grant Summary


The Intersection of Technology and Transportation

Safe Airports is Motorola Solutions’ modular ecosystem that unifies voice, data, video and analytics on one connected platform. It brings together technologies that efficiently keep passengers, workers and cargo secure while providing the certainty of safety needed for an airport to effectively operate and reassure staff and travelers that potential threats can be identified and resolved before they escalate.

Safety Reimagined Video: Safe Airports

CARES Act Education Grant Summary


Leading Edge Technologies for Hospitals on the Leading Edge

Safe Hospitals is Motorola Solutions’ modular ecosystem that unifies voice, data, video and analytics on one connected platform. It offers Healthcare providers and security operations an end-to-end security solution that covers more area with better technology – enabling customers to detect threats accurately, analyze data quickly, communicate information easily, and respond to incidents decisively.

CARES Act Healthcare Grant Summary


Next Generation Safety for The Next Generation

Safe Schools is Motorola Solutions’ modular ecosystem that unifies voice, data, video and analytics in one connected platform. It brings together the technologies schools need to know who’s on the school grounds, keep an eye on students and easily connect with students, parents, staff, community members and local law enforcement.

90-Day Deferred Lease Program


Keep Up with The Speed of Technology on One Unified Platform

Safe Stadiums is Motorola Solutions’ modular ecosystem that unifies voice, data, video and analytics on one connected platform. It provides customers with the technology ecosystem needed to create the foundation of safety that stadiums need to run efficiently. These technologies come together to keep staff and visitors secure while reassuring everyone who comes through the gates that potential threats can be identified and resolved before they escalate.

Critical Communications Needs

Safety Reimagined - Technology for a Safer World

Unifying voice, data, video and analytics in one integrated platform to enable individuals, businesses and communities to work together in more powerful ways.

We believe safety, efficiency and productivity are deeply interrelated. That the technologies that make us safer, can also make us better at everything we do.

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