Motorola Solutions P25

4 | 800-804-URCI (8724) • WWW.URCI.COM PUBLIC SAFETY COMMAND CENTER SOFTWARE SUITE COMMANDCENTRAL The right response requires the right information. It requires clarity for better decisions and stronger workflows. And no one knows better than public safety that workflows can be complex. In the same way it takes multiple teams working together to accomplish critical tasks, first responders require a variety of applications and tools. Many times these applications are outdated, have different experiences for users, and have – at best – “swivel chair” integration. Teams today are frustrated by data silos, outdated tools, and inefficient application integration, all forcing them to enter data multiple times, in multiple places, using tools that don’t look and operate the same. CommandCentral delivers a suite of cloud-native applications, so you can respond with the confidence that you have the most complete information, from call to case closure. Public Safety Software that Works the Way You Do We designed CommandCentral in partnership with our customers so that it’s easy to learn and built for collaboration. End-to-End Public Safety Software CommandCentral delivers cloud-native public safety applications, so you can respond with the confidence that you have the most complete information, from call to case closure. Safer As One Motorola Solutions has created the first and only missioncritical ecosystem built for public safety. Experience the power of unified voice, data, video and analytics in one, connected ecosystem. Bring clarity to decisions. Simplify collaborative workflows. All enabled by the industry’s only complete, 360° Incident. PAGE 2 BROCHURE COMMANDCENTRAL CONNECTED. COLLABORATIVE. COMPLETE. WHAT IS THE 360° INCIDENT? The public safety workflow doesn’t just move in one direction. Information flows back and forth between different teams, and even between agencies and the community. Keeping his information in data silos, without con istenc and s cure ccess between teams slows operations and increases risk. CommandCentral centralizes your information, using intelligent correlation to collect and build an accurate and complete case file as the incident unfolds, so you have a confident 360° view. INCIDENT The right response requires the right information. It requires clarity for better decisions and stronger workflows. And no one knows better than public safety that workflows can be complex. In the same way it takes multiple teams working together to accomplish critical tasks, first responders require a variety of applications and tools. Many times these applications are outdated, have different experiences for users, and have – at best – “swivel chair” integration. Teams today are frustrated by data silos, outdated tools, and inefficient application integration, all forcing them to enter data multiple times, in multiple places, using tools that don’t look and operate the same. CommandCentral delivers a suite of cloud-native applications, so you can respond with the confidence that you have the most complete information, from call to case closure. Bring clarity to decisions. Simplify collabor tive w rkflows. All enabled by the industry’s only complete, 360° Incident. FASTER DEPLOYMENT Get up and running faster with a remote cloud deployment, so you can get a ret rn on your investment sooner. EASIER UPDATES New capabilities are immediately available, without requiring downtime for updates and ensuring your s ftw re remains up-to-date. PREDICTABLE COSTS A single subscription for an all-inclusive, software-as-aservice solution minimizes agency risk and makes pricing predictable and bundled for cost efficiencies. EASY SCALABILITY Easily support your agency’s changing workloads with the ability to add or remove users and storage as needed. THE POWER OF THE GOVERNMENT CLOUD