Motorola Solutions Safety and security Ecosystem

36 | Case studies As far as future expansion, the next priority for Saranac is adding additional cameras at locations such as sports fields and parking lots as well as migrating access control to Avigilon and even adding a Capcity Plus system to enable district administrators to communicate with all voice and data users. Feedback on the new security system from Saranac staff, students and families has been overwhelmingly positive. “Kids and parents have been very supportive,” said Smith. ‘’Having more security is comforting and they see the value of the investment. Administrators and staff feel as if we went from almost nothing in terms of security to buying a Cadillac.” Summing up the experience of Saranac Community Schools, Smith said, “It’s nice to be a ‘small fish’ that can look like a ‘big fish’. We have a comparable system to the biggest districts around. It’s incredible for us, it’s just incredible.” His advice for other school districts, regardless of their size? “It’s possible for any school district to do this,” Smith explained. “It’s not overwhelming, it’s doable. If we can do this, other school districts can have the confidence that they can do it too.” To learn more, visit: