Spillman Flex


Spillman Flex

Public Safety First
Spillman Flex is an on-premises public safety software solution designed to meet the needs of police departments, sheriff's offices, dispatch centers, correctional facilities, and fire departments across the country. Flex provides agencies with the advantages of unparalleled integration, multi-jurisdictional data-sharing capabilities, affordable site licensing, and ongoing innovations, all built around a central Integrated Hub and backed by reliable customer service and support.

Spillman Flex provides more than 60 integrated modules, allowing your agency to customize a system that meets your specific needs. Flex's integrated solutions include off-the-shelf modules for CAD, RMS, JMS, Mobile Data & Field Reporting, Intelligence-Led Policing & Analytics, Mapping & GIS, Fire, Data Sharing, and Personnel & Resources.

Flex is known for its focus on four key areas:

  • Complete System Integration
  • Superior Multi-Jurisdictional Data Sharing
  • Highly Dedicated Customer
  • A Return-on-Investment Philosophy

Records Management (RMS)

Spillman Flex Records Management (RMS)

Spillman Flex's Records Management (RMS) suite is specifically engineered for true system integration, providing your agency personnel in every department with the most up-to-date information possible.

Data Integrity and Streamlined Reporting
Flex's integration helps your records personnel maintain data integrity. Information entered into the database is organized into master tables that are shared throughout all system modules, helping to eliminate accidental duplicate entries. The Flex Law Records with UCR/NIBRS modules integrate with the CAD module to automatically link appropriate CAD call information to related incident records for rapid, consistent data entry. Your agency can also use the Law Records module to generate reports for crime analysis, archiving, and submission to the Uniformed Crime Reporting (UCR) Program and the National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS).

  • Investigations and Analyst Benefits
  • Accurate Evidence Management
  • Offender Tracking
  • Integrated Civil Process Information
  • Administrative Benefits

Computer-Aided Dispatch Solutions (CAD)

Spillman Flex Computer-Aided Dispatch Solutions (CAD)

Spillman Flex's CAD software is specifically designed and engineered for full multi-jurisdictional dispatching capabilities, allowing your agency to easily share call information, manage multiple disciplines, and keep all parties informed and up-to-date with the latest call information.

Dispatch Benefits
With Flex, your dispatchers can efficiently manage calls for a single agency or multiple jurisdictions using the Computer-Aided Dispatch (CAD) module. The Flex CAD capabilities allow communication centers to easily handle calls from several agencies or jurisdictions. Screen features are customizable, enabling your personnel to configure the icon size, font, color, and other features to meet individual preferences. Dispatchers can instantly query name, vehicle, property, and law incident records within the Law Records module without exiting the CAD status screen. Your agency can also use Flex's Insight and StateLink modules to search other local, state, and national databases for information.

  • Customize Screens, Functions & Commands
  • Integrate System Data
  • Locate Units and Calls on Jurisdictional Maps
  • Increase Call Taker Focus for Faster Response

Intelligence-Led Policing (ILP)

Spillman Flex Records Management (RMS)

Spillman Flex's Intelligence-Led Policing (ILP) software provides your agency with the tools needed to maximize the value of your data and its benefit to the community through advanced analysis and forward-thinking crime prevention.

Complete Integration and ILP
Flex's centralized Integrated Hub allows agency data to be stored in master files and then organized into individual data fields, where it can be accessed from any module. The benefit of using an integrated system is the ability to simplify data entry and retrieval. From incident to investigation to arrest, record data is entered once into the system and made immediately available to other modules. Name records can be associated with an unlimited number of incidents, vehicles, evidence, properties, and other records. All of this data is then available in Flex's highly searchable environment and provides detailed, accurate results that can aid in investigations and support your ILP initiatives.

Mobile Police Response & Reporting

Spillman Flex Mobile Police Response & Reporting

Stay Connected to Agency Data and Alerts from the Field
Flex brings the benefits of robust public safety technology into the field, where personnel need it, through software designed for laptops, tablets, and smartphones.

Seamless Data Access
Spillman Flex facilitates an efficient mobile office by allowing your patrol officers, deputies, and fire personnel to easily access real-time data from their vehicle laptops. Field personnel can view images and names, vehicles, incidents, and property information from the field using the Flex Mobile Records module. Features like large, easy-to-use icons and a night-mode screen setting make the software ideal for use by field personnel.

You can create and submit reports from vehicle laptop computers by querying your agency's database – as well as outside databases - and using that data to complete them. Your officers can complete law, accident, citation, warning, and field interview forms as well as narratives from the field, eliminating the need to return to the office to fill out paperwork.

The Mobile AVL Mapping module uses Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) technology to track the location of all fleet units through Global Positioning System (GPS) receivers, allowing your dispatchers to always remain informed of each unit’s position.

  • Receive Relevant Information Straight to Your Phone, Tablet or Laptop
  • Use Your Mobile Device to File Reports from the Field
  • Instantly Shift Your Focus from Emergency Response to Investigation